Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy
Infants, Toddlers, Children, Teens and Adults
Did you know that Oral Restrictions are a systemic, whole body issue, and not just a mouth issue?
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy -OMT- is a neurologic re-education or re-patterning therapy for Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs). OMT uses specific therapeutic techniques to assist in proper function, growth, development, and esthetics. Correcting these habits has an enormous benefit not only for the present but for future development and growth.
Myofunctional Therapy is not just a list of exercises. It is progressive, individualized therapy that works with you step by step through the oral motor complex including the tongue, lips, cheeks, jaw and neck.

Tongue Tie
Chicago Craniofacial Pain & Rehab can assess whether a patient is affected by tongue tie and advise on possible treatment plans which may be as simple as therapy sessions to train the tongue to proper rest posture.
In some cases, a referral to a provider who can perform a frenectomy to free the tongue may be needed.
Myofunctional therapy sessions are highly recommended before and after the frenectomy to train the tongue into a proper rest posture.
In addition to myofunctional therapy services we provide bodywork for both before and after tongue tie release.

Sleep Apnea, Mouth Breathing and Airway
Chicago Craniofacial Pain & Rehab therapy sessions help exercise and strengthen the muscles of the mouth and throat promoting better sleep and breathing habits.
Airway and Breathing issues can lead to brain fog, fatigue, behavioral issues, ADHD like symptoms and multitude of other health disorders. OMT can help improve airway structure function and improve overall health.

Oral Habits
Thumb, finger, pacifier and other sucking habits can lead to bite issues, speech problems and airway concerns.
Chicago Craniofacial Pain & Rehab can work with you to help eliminate these habits.